Greetings Carterra Family! As we transition into winter and begin our busy final stretch, we wanted to reach out and announce our new quarterly newsletter. In these quarterly updates, we will highlight new application/instrument features, software issues, and provide helpful tips/tricks, in addition to maintenance reminders. It has been a pleasure getting to work with each one of you as we reshape the research landscape through high throughput SPR. We look forward to helping everyone finish Q4 strong and gear up for a fruitful 2023.
The Support team at Carterra would like to ensure that all LSA users are equipped with the right tools and knowledge to successfully take care of their instruments, especially in the case of prolonged downtime common during the holidays. The following points highlight important steps to ensure optimal system performance:
- Standby Flow: When you won’t be getting back to the instrument immediately after a run, ensure the Standby Flow option is checked prior to starting the run. This will ensure that buffer flows over your chip surface, preventing it from drying out. Standby Flow runs for up to 72 hours and consumes 100 µL of buffer per hour.
- System Shutdown: If the instrument will not be used for more than a week, perform the Sanitize and Sleep routine found under the Maintenance tab in Navigator.
DNA Encoded Libraries – Our Application note which provides guidance for how customers can use the Carterra LSA to explore this space.
Below are current issues that will be addressed in near term software releases:
- Windows Update Causing Navigator Run to End Prematurely: The best practice that all our customers should do involves manually installing any available updates on a weekly basis and using the “pause for 7 days” function under the windows update settings. Please note that though Navigator might prevent Windows from downloading updates during data collection, it does not prevent Windows from installing already downloaded updates.

Lastly, we at Support would like to offer some helpful tips that we believe could truly enhance and improve your LSA experience.
- Making Homogenized Running Buffer: When injections appear to have a refractive index mismatch compared to the running buffer this can occur due to the running buffer not being thoroughly mixed. The gradient in the running buffer bottle can cause a constantly drifting baseline/dissociation phase and the buffer blanks typically show a higher (with buffer concentrated towards top of the bottle) or lower (with water towards top of bottle top) RI shift. To avoid this issue, ensure that you are inverting the bottle at least 8 times before degassing.
PS: If you are a new user on the LSA, please reach out to the Support team at and introduce yourself! We would love to hear from you and begin building a relationship to facilitate the learning process.