Greetings, Carterra Users! We hope that everyone had a wonderful new year. The Support Team at Carterra is very excited to work with you in 2023 as we hit the ground running with advancements in high-throughput SPR using the LSA platform. Please see our quarterly update below. It’s a good reminder of best practices and will bring you up to date on our newest technologies.
- If you have had any issues with covalent immobilization, consider using further diluted EDC and Sulfo-NHS. With some recent batches of Premium Grade EDC, the performance and stability of activation solutions is enhanced by further dilution into the 100 mM MES pH 5.5 buffer. For example, final concentrations of 15 mM EDC with 5 mM S-NHS have worked well with several batches. 300 uL of mixed activation solution can be made by mixing 275 uL of MES buffer with 11.5 uL of 400 mM EDC and 15 uL of 100 mM S-NHS. Carterra scientists are continuing to evaluate optimal EDC usage and will provide additional updates soon.
- We have recently begun selling new plasticware consumables to streamline purchases and help our customers avoid issues when attempting to order these products externally. These include Cross Cut Septa Caps for both 50 mL and 15 mL centrifuge tubes and 1.5 mL Centrifuge Tubes with the Cross Cut Caps.
These can be found on the Carterra webstore:
Price lists can be found here:2023 US Pricelist 2023 EU Pricelist - Please ensure that the Printhead is not docked onto the cleaning slide before attempting to pull it out. This will inevitably shear off a chunk of the tip causing uncontrollable buffer leakage resulting in an onsite repair visit.
- There is a known bug in the Navigator software that typically presents with the message “Cannot get well information.” This is caused by editing an already completed experiment or a previously written method (i.e., deleting a plate) and then trying to run. Each time you are running a new experiment, please write a new method to avoid encountering this issue.
The Support Team has curated a document that compiles technical tips, reminders, and guides for all things LSA. In this PDF, you will find advice for required maintenance, how to properly take care of your instrument, and how to prepare your experiments to achieve maximum success!
Feel free to print this PDF and mount it to the front of your LSA for quick access.
- New versions of Kinetics and Epitope software have been released. If you have not yet updated your software, please do so by logging into the Carterra web store and downloading the newest versions under the Support Portal Tab. There are also release notes available for download that highlight the contents and features that have been modified. Kinetics –
Epitope – - New App Note
Quantitation Application Note
If you are an LSA user or customer in Europe, you can reach out to the Support team at to ensure that you receive prompt responses despite the time difference.
If you are a new user of the LSA, you can reach out to the Support team at and introduce yourself. We would love to hear from you and begin building a relationship to facilitate the learning process.